Friday, April 13, 2012

Johan & Nikki Wedding | 31.03.2012

Johan & Nikki got married on the first ICY COLD and RAINY Winter's day. They were planning to get married in the forest, and I prayed so hard for the rain to stop, because I just knew these photos would be amazing.

As she walked down that red carpet with her grandfather (in the forest, as they planned), I was so thankful as the rays of sunlight broke through the clouds and trees. It was MAGICAL! What was even more amazing was that, before the wedding, even though it was cold and rainy, Johan and Nikki looked as if they both just knew it would turn out to be perfect and the happiest day of their lives!

To the tune of 'Amazing Grace', played by a bagpipe, everyone (yes, including me!) was trying to hold back their tears. You could see that this truely was the best day of Johan and Nikki's lives, just by the way they looked at each other. May you two never stop looking at each other without that sparkle in your eyes! Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day and witness your love for each other!